Broadening the Transatlantic Relationship

By Doug Bereuter & John Lis For those who have followed U.S.-European relations since the end of the Cold War, transatlantic tensions that erupted prior to the war in Iraq should have come as little surprise. The decade between the collapse of the Soviet Union and the September 11 terrorist attacks saw attitudes across the […]


NATO can handle heavy peacekeeping

By Doug Bereuter The United Nations Security Council has unanimously approved Resolution 1511, which provides a mandate for American command of the multinational coalition force in Iraq. As a follow-up, the Bush administration should give serious consideration to a greater role for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Iraq. In particular, the administration should examine […]


NATO legislators look to future

By Doug Bereuter NOTES FROM PRAGUE — Meeting in this beautiful old city in the heart of New Europe, legislators from the 19 NATO nations recently began healing the wounds in the alliance that were opened during the Iraq crisis. Having gathered for the spring session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, supporters and opponents of […]


NATO Governments Must Fulfill Force Pledges

By Doug Bereuter While NATO’s critics prophesy its demise, the 19 allies are quietly taking steps to ensure that the alliance will continue to meet the challenge of defending its members. But now that our governments have pledged to develop the forces needed for an effective NATO, our national legislative bodies and our publics must […]


Partnerschaft in Gefahr

By Die Welt & Doug Bereuter Der Irak-Krieg hat für beispiellose Spannungen in der Beziehung zwischen Amerika und Europa gesorgt.Seit beinahe 60 Jahren war die atlantische Partnerschaft eine Kraft zum Guten,und zwar nicht nur für Europa und Nordamerika, sondern auch für denRest der Welt. Sind diese Beziehungen wieder zu kitten?