AP People

Pierre Lellouche


  • university of Paris X, licensee in law (1972) and graduated in Masters in Public Law Advanced studies (1973)
  • Graduated from the “institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris”
  • Masters (LLM) 1974 and Doctorate (SJD) 1979, from Harvard Law School

CARREER1973-1975 Research fellow at the Harvard Program for Science and International Affairs
1976-1977 Military service
1977-1979 Research fellow at the Studies Group and the Research on the international Problems (GERPI), Maison des sciences de l’homme of Paris where I worked with Raymond Aron
1979-1988 Research fellow and Deputy Director at the “Institut Français des Relations Internationales” (IFRI)
During the same period:
-columnist for the French weekly “Le Point”, the international edition Newsweek, the International Herald Tribune and the Sekkai Nippo (Tokyo)
-Lecturer “Institut des Sciences Politiques”, the ENR, the INSEAD, the IHEDN and different war schools
1989-1995 Personal adviser to Mr Jacques CHIRAC
1993 Elected as member of the National Assembly (8th constituency, Val d’Oise)
1997 Elected as member of the National Assemblee (8th constituency, Paris)


  • RPR, National Secretary in charge of studies
  • President of Standing Commission of Foreign Affairs of International Democratic Union (IDU)
  • Vice-President Commission of Defence


  • Columnist “Le Figaro”, member of the international council of the Figaro
  • Member of the Council of the London based International Institute for strategic Studies (IISS)
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the “Fondation du Futur”
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Internatonal Affairs (Rome) and Journal of Arms Control and Security Studies
  • Member of the Trilateral Commission

PUBLICATIONSSeveral articles and books on Defense and Foreign Affairs published in France and abroad


  • “Le millénaire de l’Apocalypse” in collaboration with Florence Trystam, ed, Flammarion 1982
  • “Pacifisme et Dissuasion”-ed. IFRI-Economica-1983
  • “La guerre des satellites: enjeux pour la Communauté Internationale”ed IFRI 1987
  • “Le Nouveau Monde: de l’ordre de Yalta au désordre des Nations” ed IFRI 1987
  • “Légitime Défense: vers une Europe en sécurité au XXIème siècle”, ed Patrick Banon 1996
  • “La République immobile” ed Grasset-1998
  • “La France et les bombes : les défis de la prolifération des armes de destruction massive” ed Assemblée Nationale 2000

See all articles by Pierre Lellouche