Gen. David Petraeus & Prof. Andrew Roberts

General David Petraeus, Chairman of the KKR Global Institute, Four Star US Army General, Head of multinational forces in Iraq (2007-08), Commander of US Central Command (2008-10), Commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan (2010-11), CIA Director (2011-12) & Professor Andrew Roberts, British historian, journalist and broadcaster Member of the House of Lords Thursday 5th October […]

Henry A. Kissinger, 56th US Secretary of State (1973-1977)

Henry A. Kissinger, 56th US Secretary of State (1973-1977); 7th US National Security Advisor (1969-1975); Author, Speaker, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Monday 19th June 2023

Jeb Bush, 43rd Governor of Florida (1999-2007)

Jeb Bush 43rd Governor of Florida (1999-2007) Thursday 18th May 2023

Dr Kevin Rudd AC, 26th Prime Minister of Australia

Hon Dr Kevin Rudd AC, 26th Prime Minister of Australia Incoming Australian Ambassador to the United States of America Wednesday 15th March 2023