Partnerschaft in Gefahr

By Die Welt & Doug Bereuter Der Irak-Krieg hat für beispiellose Spannungen in der Beziehung zwischen Amerika und Europa gesorgt.Seit beinahe 60 Jahren war die atlantische Partnerschaft eine Kraft zum Guten,und zwar nicht nur für Europa und Nordamerika, sondern auch für denRest der Welt. Sind diese Beziehungen wieder zu kitten?


Irak : pour une initiative franco-américaine

By Pierre Lellouche & Doug Bereuter Trois mois après le vote à l’unanimité de la résolution 1441 par le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies, les démocraties occidentales se sont profondément divisées sur le dossier irakien, alors même qu’un accord de fond existe quant au danger représenté par Saddam Hussein pour la sécurité internationale. Alors […]



By Doug Bereuter I would like to thank Mr Vladimír Špidla, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, for taking the time to be with us today. We are looking forward to hearing from him and, on behalf of all the participants in this meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, I would like to thank […]


The EU must be a partner not a counterweight… The Union and the US must look for common responses

By Doug Bereuter Since the founding of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1952, the United States has strongly supported the process of European integration. In the years following World War II, our leaders recognized that closer cooperation among former enemies would bring stability and economic growth to Europe and greatly reduce the likelihood […]


The Great Game in Europe: How the U.S. can play

By John O’Sullivan All great realignments are hammered out on the anvil of crisis. Ever since theend of the Cold War, both U.S. domestic politics and the shape of the West havebeen in an uncertain state. With socialism and statist liberalism discreditedby the collapse of centrally planned economies, parties of Left and Right havebeen maneuvering […]