Handle Europe With Care

The French and Dutch publics have resoundingly rejected a constitutional treaty of which too little was explained, too late and too poorly. To be sure, the death of the treaty, for that is what it is, does not translate into a death of the European Union. Admittedly, too, a French oui would not have ended […]


Bush, vainqueur mal aimé

C’est la politique étrangère qui a fait le résultat de la présidentielle américaine. Les adversaires de Bush l’ont sévèrement critiqué pour sa gestion de l’après-guerre en Irak. Mais ils ont eu tort de l’accuser de s’acharner à mener la politique qu’il suit depuis trois ans, puisqu’il ne reconnaît aucune erreur et n’accepte aucun conseil qui […]


Vital Partnership: Half After Bush

The transatlantic partnership is at risk. For the first time since the United States of America assumed, on behalf of the West, a leadership it had earned the old-fashioned way, many of its European allies do not recognize the threat identified by the United States, do not condone the methods used to defeat that threat, […]