Theresa has served as Member of Parliament for Maidenhead since 1997 and has held several positions within Parliament since. She was a member of the Shadow Cabinet from 1999 to 2010, and from 2002 to 2003 was the first female Chairman of the Conservative Party. In 2010, she was appointed Home Secretary, a position which she held for 6 years before becoming Prime Minister. She served as Prime Minister for three years, until July 2019.
Theresa had a varied education spanning both the state and private sectors, and both grammar school and comprehensive school. She read Geography at St Hugh’s College, Oxford University. She started her career at the Bank of England and went on to hold posts at the Association for Payment Clearing Services (APACS) as Head of the European Affairs Unit and Senior Adviser on International Affairs.
The Rt Hon Jack Straw is one of three senior Ministers to remain in Cabinet throughout the 1997 to 2010 Labour Government. He served as Foreign Secretary (2001 to 2006), Home Secretary (1997 to 2001), Leader of the Commons (2006 to 2007), and Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary (2007 to 2010). He was Member of Parliament for Blackburn from 1979 to 7 May 2015, when he retired from the Commons.
Before becoming an MP, Jack practiced as a Barrister, and then worked as a Special Adviser in the Labour Government of 1974 to 1979. He served on the Opposition Front Bench from 1980 to 1997.
Appointed Foreign Secretary in 2001, Jack played a leading role in the dramatic foreign policy problems arising from the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and the resulting interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq. He was instrumental in helping avoid an extremely dangerous armed conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir in 2002. He was a member of the European Council for five years. In 2005 he led successful efforts to open formal EU membership negotiations with Turkey. He is co-Chairman of the government-sponsored British-Turkish Forum. He was given the Order of the Republic of Turkey by President Abdullah Gül in 2012.
With his French and German counterparts, Jack initiated the “E3” (later “E3+3”) negotiations with Iran over their nuclear programme, and has taken a close interest in Iran ever since, having visited it eight times.
He is a Visiting Professor at University College London School of Public Policy. Since 2015 he has been Chairman of the Blackburn Youth Zone, and from 2017 a Trustee of the Tauheedul Education Trust.
Nathan Gamester
Nathan Gamester joined AP in April 2014. Alongside his work for the Atlantic Partnership Nathan is the Managing Director of the CSJ Foundation. Nathan has previously worked as the Chief Operating Officer for two leading UK think tanks and as a Senior Parliamentary Researcher in the House of Lords as well as for several campaign organisations providing independent writing, research and consultancy services.

Sir David Manning GCMG, CVO joined the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in 1972. He served in Warsaw, New Delhi, Paris and Moscow.
From 1994-5 he was Head of Policy Planning; from 1995-8 Ambassador to Israel; and from 1998-2000 he was Deputy Under Secretary of State for Defence and Intelligence and a member of the Foreign Office Board.
He was the UK Permanent Representative at NATO (Brussels) from 2000-2001 before returning to London as Foreign Policy Adviser to the Prime Minister and Head of the Defence and Overseas Secretariat (2001-2003). He was then Ambassador to the United States for four years from 2003-2007.
Kate Fall is a member of the House of Lords where she sits on the International Relations and Defence Select Committee. She is a Parliamentary Visiting Fellow at St Anthony’s college Oxford, a NED on the Cultural Recovery Board, a Trustee of Atlantic Partnership, and member of the Advisory Board of the centre right think tank Onward.
Kate was deputy chief of staff to David Cameron for 6 years while he was the British Prime Minister and for 5 years when he was Leader of the Opposition.
Previously, Kate ran the business liaison unit and covered the foreign affairs brief for the then Leader of the Conservative party, Michael Howard. She worked for the CBI under Howard Davies, and for the Conservative Research Department. Her first job was for a British MEP. She was also formerly a Governor of Fairley House School for dyslexic children.
Kate is a graduate from Oxford University where she read PPE.
She is the author of The Gatekeeper: Life At The Heart of No. 10, published by HarperCollins. She is a regular contributor to UK political broadcasts.