Atlantic Partnership’s classic format is its regular series of seminars covering a wide range of issues of international importance. The seminars are supplemented by occasional conferences, by publications and by special lectures or similar events.
The issues which feature in our seminars range widely, for example: the unparalleled economic and financial challenges facing both Europe and North America; the tensions within our societies which give rise to problems of social breakdown and of public order; strategic risks from failing states, terrorism, nuclear proliferation, cyber and energy security.
Because of the unique convening power which Atlantic Partnership has demonstrated over the past decade, it has been able to attract speakers at the highest level, who have themselves faced the challenges listed above, and can pass on their experience to our audiences. They have included heads of government and ministers; leaders of international organisations; members of congress and parliamentarians; senior military leaders; heads of banks and businesses; economists and academics. While the majority come from North America and Europe we have also reached further afield to, for example, Australia and Pakistan. See Events for details of previous speakers.
We extend invitations to our seminars to as diverse an audience as possible, concentrating in particular on those who are themselves engaged in activities which are most relevant to the expertise of our speakers and who are therefore most likely to benefit and to apply the lessons learned to their own work, and thereby to the general public benefit. This is how we discharge our educational mission.