Iran’s Gift: New Unity In the West By Jim Hoagland The Washington Post The fog of negotiation is not for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He prefers to confront the United States and Europe directly over Iran’s nuclear and political ambitions. The ex-mayor of Tehran thus sets history’s tectonic plates moving faster toward a new era […]
Month: February 2006
Poland’s Leader Hopes to Gain From Support Of U.S. Policies
By Craig Whitlock The Washington Post WARSAW — Poland’s new president, Lech Kaczynski, said his country might keep troops in Iraq until sometime in 2007 if necessary, in an extension of its military commitment there, even as other nations are withdrawing or making plans to do so…more
New roles take centre stage but old divisions lurk in the wings
By Gerard Baker The Times WHEN European and US policymakers, led by Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, and Donald Rumsfeld, the US Defence Secretary, gathered in Munich over the weekend to consider the state of the transatlantic alliance, the themes that have divided them in recent years were prominent again…more
Merkel demands upgrade of NATO strategy
By Wall Street Journal Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, has said NATO should be a permanent forum for analysis of world security threats in the future…more
Merkel prône un rôle mondial pour l’Otan
Pierre Bocev Le Figaro La chancelière Angela Merkel s’est fait applaudir dans les travées américaines ce week-end à la conférence sur la sécurité de Munich pour avoir défendu l’idée d’une revalorisation politique de l’Alliance atlantique. L’Otan doit se voir reconnaître un certain «primat», a dit Merkel devant ce colloque annuel qui réunit pendant trois jours […]