Condi Rice veut transformer le monde en douceur

By Philippe Gelie Le Figaro LES ÉTATS-UNIS veulent changer le monde. Ce n’est pas nouveau, mais Condoleezza Rice a trouvé des moyens plus subtils que la guerre pour y parvenir. Dans un discours qui marque un virage sur la doctrine de l’action unilatérale et des frappes préventives, le secrétaire d’Etat a dévoilé hier les grandes […]


Diplomats Will Be Shifted to Hot Spots

By Bradley Graham & Glenn Kessler The Washington Post Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said yesterday that she will shift hundreds of Foreign Service positions from Europe and Washington to difficult assignments in the Middle East, Asia and elsewhere as part of a broad restructuring of the diplomatic corps that she has dubbed “transformational diplomacy.”…more


Still the Colossus

By Robert Kagan The Washington Post The striking thing about the present international situation is the degree to which America remains what Bill Clinton once called “the indispensable nation.” Despite global opinion polls registering broad hostility to George W. Bush’s United States, the behavior of governments and political leaders suggests America’s position in the world […]