Broadening the Transatlantic Relationship

By Doug Bereuter & John Lis For those who have followed U.S.-European relations since the end of the Cold War, transatlantic tensions that erupted prior to the war in Iraq should have come as little surprise. The decade between the collapse of the Soviet Union and the September 11 terrorist attacks saw attitudes across the […]


NATO can handle heavy peacekeeping

By Doug Bereuter The United Nations Security Council has unanimously approved Resolution 1511, which provides a mandate for American command of the multinational coalition force in Iraq. As a follow-up, the Bush administration should give serious consideration to a greater role for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Iraq. In particular, the administration should examine […]


Tous dans le même navire

By Pierre Lellouche Six mois après la fin «officielle» des opérations de guerre en Irak, le moins que l’on puisse dire est que la sécurité du monde paraît dangereusement fragilisée. Trois fractures sont désormais à l’œuvre, nourrissant une situation particulièrement périlleuse pour l’ensemble de la communauté internationale.